The Illusive Twenty-Something Happiness

Damn you internet.

I’m trying to focus on writing but I got sucked into reading an article and then writing this blog simply by searching the correct way to write twenty somethings, (and, I still don’t have a freaking answer, looks like it could be twenty-somethings, twentysomethings, or twenty somethings, depending on who you ask!).

I guess that I’m already breaking one of my summer writing commandments by allowing myself to be distracted by the internet and social media instead of focusing on the task at hand.  Damn you again internet.

But, this was too good not to share:

Stumbled across this article about twenty somethings and happiness which cuts to the core of what I’m trying to write about in Expecting Happiness.  We are a generation obsessed with finding this magic key to life that may or may not exist.  Really, we’re probably no different than any other generation, we just happen to be the ones complaining right now.  Doesn’t every generation face the quintessential crisis of having to grow up and get a job?

Are we really that different for hoping we can change the work world into a more satisfying place?

I like that the article ended with a desire to bring our dogs to work.  My husband was pretty stoked when he found out he could bring Simon to his new office and we’ve envied other friends with this luxury for years.  Seems like we might be simpler to please than we pretend.  And, really, I can’t complain, Simon is pretty much always by my side as I write.

That’s why I’m convinced writers have it the best.  They can write from anywhere and achieve any of those desires mentioned in the article.  Now only to figure out how to get paid for doing it…

The only thing better than bringing your dog to work? Bringing you dog to work at the beach…

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2 thoughts on “The Illusive Twenty-Something Happiness

  1. kingmidget says:

    I’m having fun reading your posts these last couple of days. Your experience with the distraction of the internet and your commitment to ignore it (lapsed far too often) is almost exactly like my experience. Yes, I’m here reading other people’s blogs, instead of doing the final proofread of a novel so I can e-publish it. It’s too easy to do this, too hard to do that. If I could wave a magic wand and sit down for a defined period of time, do the proofread and know that it would be done, I think it would. But, that never seems to happen. It’s far too large a project to be able to do that and there are far too few hours in the day. OK, back to proofreading.

    • oliviaobryon says:

      Agreed. I find that I have to allow myself to do my internet “work” for fifteen minutes or so before I get started and then I have to force myself not to return to the internet for at least an hour at a time while I work or I won’t get anything done… Here I go!

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